Saturday, December 14, 2013

charlie and the choclet factary the 70s movie

ompa lompa dompa de do we live a happy  life and so do you!booka nooka lo la le loo I like this book alot and you should too!

I wached the  charlie and the chocolate factory movie. some  things were different like instead of nuts there were eggs. and there were songs but not in the book.

I liked the book better the movie was too creepy but good also.the creepyist thing was the ompa lompas faces.


  1. Well said Clark! Happy you noticed the differences between the book and the movie, that is very observant of you! Good job Clark!

  2. Good work Clark, that was very observant of you to notice the differences between the book and the movie! I love reading your reviews, keep up the good work!
